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Workout of Day
12 Minute Run

The 12 Minute Run or Coopers Test is the benchmark test of physical fitness. It was designed by Kenneth H. Cooper in 1968 for US military use. In the original form, the point of the test is to run as far as possible within 12 minutes. The outcome is based on the distance the person ran, their age and gender. The results can be correlated to determine a VO2 Max, which is used to determine the amount of oxygen an individual can transport and utilise during exercise, which reflects the fitness of an individual. V02 Max will be calculated using the following formula Distance covered in metres - 504.9) divided by 44.73 and expressed in mls/kg/min.

Goal is to run for 12 min:

Age/M/F 20+ 30+ 40+ 50+
Excellent: 2800+/2700+ 2700/2500 2500/2300 2400/2200
Good 2400+/2200+ 2300/2000 2100/1900 2000/1700


Views: 340 | Date: 01.01.2015 | Post your results to comments...
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